Mediadream Academy - Healthcare Operator (O.S.S. Certification)
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Healthcare Operator (O.S.S. Certification)

International courses

In-person courses

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Calendario lezioni

Prima lezione: 31-12-2024

Before commencement of course
- 100 hours A1 Italian level course-(20 hours Online+80 hours onsite)
- 100 hours A2 Italian level course-Onsite

After commencement of course

- 550 hours Theory lessons
- 450 hours Internship(unpaid) in 2 different facilities

The course lasts approximately 1 year. Our team will add you to the first available batch so that you can start learning with us as soon as possible!

Five days a week, Monday to Friday.

During the course, you will carry out two different apprenticeships.

Final Exam:
The final exam will take place at the end of the course in the presence of a commission appointed by Regione Lombardia. The exam will consists of a multiple choice test, an oral test and an oral presentation of a written report or essay.

Durata e Orari

Orari del corso:
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

1200 hours (750 hours of theoretical study + 450 hours of apprenticeships)

90% mandatory

Sede del Corso

Como , Via Belvedere 45


Tel: (+039) 031.5001245
WhatsApp: (+039) 340.2149671

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